Fun until they know how broken the power can be, and then you are left with literally no counterplay. See how you enjoy going against an actual decent blight. Select the Kill Your Friends game mode to play as a killer while your friends are survivors. Follow the simple guide below to create a match with your friends: Launch the game. Doesnt know the techs and just plays the power as intended. There is an option to play Dead by Daylight with friends however, empty survivor places can’t be filled with random players.
I agree, as long as you go against a blight who doesnt know how to use the power, is just learning or barely plays him. People like to say "blight is so fun to go against".

Boring, uninspired killer to play against.

The Blight, a bright and ambitious chemist who sought to enhance humanity through the use. Purchasing the add-on will unlock its new Killer, new Survivor, and an exclusive item for the survivor: Felix's The World Class jacket. It includes a Killer, The Blight, and a Survivor, Felix Richter. The real counter: Rush gens, drop all the pallets on him, and leave the game asap. Descend Beyond is a new Chapter for Dead by Daylight. Survivor Items - Prove Thyself - Lucky Break - Detectives Hunch - Small Game. There is no "counter" to him, because of all the ""techs"", as they call them, personally I'd call it what it is, abusing unintended game mechanics, combined with ridiculously low fatigue and recharge (2 sec lmao, cries in billy, legion), and the fact that you never gain distance on him, ever. Killer Banned Addons - Iridescent Blight Tag - Compound Thirty-Three - Vigos Journal - Alchemist Ring. The best actual counter to blight is doing the gens in 3 minutes and getting a 3 man out leaving one to die on hook. Sprint burst - when a player starts running it boosts sped by 150 for 3 seconds. Over 24 Survivors and 22 Killers are now available for every player. It also boosts action speeds by 6 per cent if the perk is activated. Dead By Daylight Hacks and Cheats DBD hacks including Aimbot, ESP/Wallhack.

Spine Chill - perk highlights when a killer is looking at your direction at a range of 36 meters. Generally, if you have to face The Plague in DBD, dont cleanse right away after. The best you can do is buy a few extra seconds each chase, provided the blight is decent. Iron Will - makes your breathing and grunts of pain 100 silent. If the Trapper chases your or other Survivors early in the game. I feel like this video is deceptively titled … You don't counter blight in any meaningful way.